sábado, 11 de agosto de 2007


Avant Garde - Experimental Cinema of the 1920s & 1930s (2 DVD, sin subt. en español, sólo subt. en inglés, incluye los siguientes cortos:
Le Retour à la raison (The Return to Reason) Directed by Man Ray; France 1923; 2 Min.
Emak-Bakia (Leave Me Alone) Directed by Man Ray; France 1926; 16 Min.
L'Étoile de mer (The Starfish) Directed by Man Ray; France 1928; 15 Min.
Les Mystères du Château du Dé (The Mysteries of the Château of Dice); Directed by Man Ray; France 1929; 20 Min.
Ménilmontant; Directed by Dimitri Kirsanoff; France 1926; 37 Min.
Brumes d'Automne (Autumn Mists) Directed by Dimitri Kirsanoff; France 1928; 12 Min.
The Life and Death of 9413, A Hollywood Extra; Directed by Robert Florey and Slavko Vorkapich; US 1928; 13 Min.
Lot in Sodom; Directed by James Sibley Watson and Melville Webber; US 1933; 27 Min.
Rhythmus 21 (Film Is Rhythm); Directed by Hans Richter; Germany 1921; 3 Min.
Vormittagsspuk (Ghosts Before Breakfast); Directed by Hans Richter; Germany 1928; 9 Min.
Anémic Cinéma; Directed by Marcel Duchamp; France 1926; 6 Min.
Ballet Mécanique; Directed by Fernand Léger; France 1924; 11 Min.
Symphonie Diagonale (Diagonal Symphony); Directed by Viking Eggeling; Germany 1924; 7 Min.
Le Vampire; Directed by Jean Painlevé; France 1939-45; 9 Min.
The Hearts of Age; Directed by Orson Welles and William Vance; US 1934; 8 Min.
Überfall (Assault); Directed by Ernö Metzner; Germany 1928; 22 Min.
La Glace à trois faces (The Three-Sided Mirror) Directed by Jean Epstein; France 1927; 33 Min.
Le Tempestaire (The Tempest) Directed by Jean Epstein; France 1947; 22 Min.
Romance Sentimentale (Sentimental Romance) ; Directed by Sergei Eisenstein and Grigori V. Alexandrov; France 1930; 16 Min.
Autumn Fire; Directed by Herman G. Weinberg; US 1931; 15 Min.
Manhatta; Directed by Paul Strand and Charles Sheeler; US 1921; 10 Min.
La Coquille et le Clergyman (The Seashell and the Clergyman); Directed by Germaine Dulac
France 1926; 31 Min.
Regen (Rain); Directed by Joris Ivens; Netherlands 1929; 14 Min.
H²O; Directed by Ralph Steiner; US 1929; 12 Min.
Even -- As You And I; Directed by Roger Barlow, Harry Hay and LeRoy Robbins; US 1937; 12 Min.

Avant-Garde 2: Experimental Cinema 1928-1954 (2 DVD, sin subt. en español, sólo subt. en inglés)

Unseen Cinema: Picturing a Metropolis (26 cortos entre 1900 y la década del 30, que muestran New York) (sin subtitulos)

Treasures From American Film Archives (4 DVD, 50 films de la primera mitad del siglo XX) (sin subtitulos en español)

Koyaanisqatsi: Life Out of Balance(1982) Dirigido por Godfrey Reggio
Powaqqatsi: Life in Transformation (1988) Dirigido por Godfrey Reggio
Naqoyqatsi: Life as War (2002) Dirigido por Godfrey Reggio
Chronos (1985) Dirigido por Ron Fricke
Baraka (1992) Dirigido por Ron Fricke
Berlin: Sinfonía de una gran ciudad / Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Großstadt (1927) Dirigido por Walter Ruttmann
Soy Cuba (1964) (dirigido por Mikhail Kalatozov) (2 dvd)
Las películas se entregan sin cajita

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